WHOIS information for 83811.tw

Below is the WHOIS data for 83811.tw, as listed in the public WHOIS servers. This data is updated periodically, and the latest version is shown below. Note that we do not store any historical WHOIS data.

Domain Name: 83811.tw Registrant: 尚藍資訊股份有限公司 Mobilewiz Co., Ltd. 5F, No.368. Fuxing N. Rd., Zhongshan District, Taipie City 104, Taiwan 台北市復興北路368號5樓 Contact: 張智為 Randy Chang Email profile not revealed TEL: (02)25171326 Record expires on 2017-11-21 (YYYY-MM-DD) Record created on 2008-11-18 (YYYY-MM-DD) Domain servers in listed order: fred.ns.cloudflare.com lily.ns.cloudflare.com Registration Service Provider: HINET

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