WHOIS information for 2zeta.it

Below is the WHOIS data for 2zeta.it, as listed in the public WHOIS servers. This data is updated periodically, and the latest version is shown below. Note that we do not store any historical WHOIS data.

Domain: 2zeta.it Status: ok Created: 1998-01-09 00:00:00 Last Update: 2017-11-28 01:19:15 Expire Date: 2018-11-28 Registrant Organization: 2 ZETA SNC Admin Contact Name: Ferdinando Zattarin Address: Via 1 Maggio 4 Rovolon 35030 Pd IT Created: 2017-11-28 01:10:49 Last Update: 2017-11-28 01:10:49 Technical Contacts Name: Domain Admin Organization: Infovi srl Address: Viale Grappa 4 Vicenza 36100 VI IT Created: 2017-11-28 01:19:14 Last Update: 2017-11-28 01:19:14 Registrar Organization: Servizi Internet S.r.l. Name: REGDOM-REG Web: http://www.regdom.it/ Nameservers ns01.infovi.net ns01.ultradns.eu ns02.ultradns.eu ns01.infovi.it ns02.infovi.it ns02.infovi.net

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