WHOIS information for 10meilleursantivirus.fr

Below is the WHOIS data for 10meilleursantivirus.fr, as listed in the public WHOIS servers. This data is updated periodically, and the latest version is shown below. Note that we do not store any historical WHOIS data.

domain: 10meilleursantivirus.fr status: ACTIVE hold: NO holder-c: BS9409-FRNIC admin-c: BS14967-FRNIC tech-c: BS14967-FRNIC zone-c: NFC1-FRNIC nsl-id: NSL55302-FRNIC registrar: 1API GmbH Expiry Date: 30/09/2017 created: 30/09/2013 last-update: 30/09/2016 source: FRNIC ns-list: NSL55302-FRNIC nserver: ns-1917.awsdns-47.co.uk nserver: ns-1444.awsdns-52.org nserver: ns-5.awsdns-00.com nserver: ns-675.awsdns-20.net source: FRNIC registrar: 1API GmbH type: Isp Option 1 address: Talstrasse 27 address: 66424 HOMBURG country: DE phone: +49 6841 6984200 fax-no: +49 6841 6984299 e-mail: Email profile not revealed website: http://www.1api.net anonymous: NO registered: 03/09/2008 source: FRNIC nic-hdl: BS14967-FRNIC type: PERSON contact: Baruch Steinberg address: Terminalstrasse Mitte 18 address: 85356 Munich address: Oberding country: DE phone: +49 8113939 fax-no: +49 8113939 e-mail: domains.Email profile not revealed registrar: 1API GmbH changed: 09/09/2016 Email profile not revealed anonymous: NO obsoleted: NO eligstatus: ok eligdate: 09/09/2016 12:47:48 source: FRNIC nic-hdl: BS9409-FRNIC type: PERSON contact: Baruch Steinberg address: Terminalstrasse Mitte 18 address: 85356 Munich address: Oberding country: DE phone: +49 8113939 fax-no: +1 5555555555 e-mail: domains.Email profile not revealed registrar: 1API GmbH changed: 30/09/2013 Email profile not revealed anonymous: NO obsoleted: NO eligstatus: ok eligdate: 30/09/2013 17:03:06 source: FRNIC

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