WHOIS information for 06710.no
Below is the WHOIS data for 06710.no, as listed in the public WHOIS servers. This data is updated periodically, and the latest version is shown below. Note that we do not store any historical WHOIS data.
Domain Information
NORID Handle...............: DOM9002D-NORID
Domain Name................: 06710.no
Domain Holder Handle.......: NRTB4O-NORID
Registrar Handle...........: REG42-NORID
Legal-c Handle.............: TJ5024P-NORID
Tech-c Handle..............: DH38R-NORID
Name Server Handle.........: NSHY11H-NORID
Name Server Handle.........: NSHY46H-NORID
Name Server Handle.........: NSHY81H-NORID
DNSSEC.....................: Signed
DS Key Tag 1...........: 17545
Algorithm 1...........: 13
Digest Type 1...........: 2
Digest 1...........: 69d59e097712b462ced26e20dd98e87db0bad68ee89f267873a6bbfe64a84d5f
Additional information:
Created: 2007-06-18
Last updated: 2017-11-03
NORID Handle...............: NRTB4O-NORID
Type.......................: organization
Name.......................: NEDRE ROMERIKE TAXI SA
Id Type....................: organization_number
Id Number..................: 966636807
Registrar Handle...........: REG42-NORID
Post Address...............: Fjellhamarvn 56a, Postboks 96
Postal Code................: NO-1472
Postal Area................: Fjellhamar
Country....................: NO
Phone Number...............: +47.67975482
Fax Number.................: +47.67972526
Email Address..............: Email profile not revealed
Additional information:
Created: 2014-05-19
Last updated: 2014-05-19